## Contents in this folder - `README.md`: this README file - `genesis.json`: genesis file for `likecoin-mainnet-2` - `liked-v2.0.0`: LikeCoin chain v2.0.0 executable - `liked-data-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.{bz2,zst}`: snapshot of the given date. - `snapshot.sh`: script for running the snapshot service. It periodically stops the node, takes BTRFS snapshot, restarts the node, and then compresses BTRFS snapshot into archive file. ## Content of snapshots A snapshot contains the following folders: - `data/application.db`: the application state database - `data/blockstore.db`: the blocks storage database - `data/cs.wal`: write-ahead logs, included to prevent data loss - `data/evidence.db`: store for evidence of misbehavior - `data/state.db`: Tendermint state database - `data/priv_validator_state.json`: validator's empty signing state Note that snapshot does NOT contain: - `data/tx_index.db`: transactions indexes (included in separated archive file) - `data/snapshots`: state snapshots for state sync So you may want to backup these yourself if needed. Starting from 2022-04-28, the snapshots are generated from a pruning node (i.e. pruning = "everything"). ## Using the snapshot First, move the original `data` folder inside `.liked` folder, or simply remove it. Note that you may want to keep `tx_index.db` and `priv_validator_state.json`, as they are not included in the snapshot. Then for `.bz2` archives, run `tar xvjf liked-data-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.bz2 -C PATH/TO/.liked` to decompress and unarchive the snapshot. For `.zst` archives, first install `zstd` program, then run `tar xvf liked-data-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.zst --zstd -C PATH/TO/.liked` to decompress and unarchive the snapshot. You may optionally download and unarchive the `tx_index.db` file. After that you may restart the node.